Channel: Change Before Going Productions
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: playromancemoviecompsonfictiontuckergeorge m. cohancohanmoviesgeorge tuckerbetty compsonlostsci-fiactionnoircinemageorge cohanfilmsfantasygeorge loane tuckerdirectorcomedyfrank packardfilmmysterythomas meighansciencewesternfrankbettyl.1919meighanlonthrillerloanedramachaneylost filmfeaturecultthe miracle manfrank l. packardmiraclegeorgecrimemanthomasfreem.silenttheclassicshortlon chaneynovelpackard
Description: The Miracle Man, starring Lon Chaney, Thomas Meighan, and Betty Compson, directed by George Loane Tucker, and based on a play by George M. Cohan, which in turn is based on a novel by Frank L. Packard, was considered to be one of the best films ever made at its time. Unfortunately, only these two small fragments survive as the rest is considered lost. Check your basements, attics, and sheds! CHANGE BEFORE GOING PRODUCTIONS: More classic silent films added daily to the channel. We hope you enjoy these movies and cartoons, some of which contain new musical scores, from early cinema.